A Moving Spirit…

Minneola, I just want to take a minute and say THANK YOU! It is an honor and a privilege to serve alongside such a congregation as this and as we move into the summer months when we see less of each other, I pray we remember the many ways God shows up in the midst of this body of Christ.

Last month our newsletter reminded folks of our financial reality and Minneola, you stepped up immediately and in a big way. THANK YOU to everyone who gave and continues to give to God’s work through us into the world.

On Pentecost, we gave four young people their first communion and celebrated four graduates in our community. We continue to celebrate our members of ALL AGES because each of you give generously to this community through a variety of means; time, talents and finances. I pray we never take for granted the movement of the Spirit in our faith community. 

We make the road by walking…together,

Pr. Hannah


God on the Go!


Summer Stewardship