Summer Stewardship

Dear Minneola Faith Family,

Our summer schedule will be here before we know it and as it approaches, it’s important to remember the reality of our faith community’s financial situation.

My first request is that you join us for our May 5th Congregational Meeting to hear directly from our Treasurer and Financial Secretary the pattern and power of generosity in our community.

My second request is that you consider the value of Minneola for yourself and for the sake of the kingdom of God. It is good, from time to time, to pause and reflect on the importance of our relationship to various places, peoples, and organizations. I pray Minneola continues to be a place of deep belonging for you and your household; one you feel compelled to support with your time, talents, and finances when possible.

My final request is that you remember to give, as faithful stewards of God’s graces in various forms throughout the summer. With our schedules shifting, many vacationing, and other weekend commitments, plan for how and when you will give to the work of God through the people of Minneola.

We make the road by walking…together,

Pr. Hannah


A Moving Spirit…


A New Life in Christ