Why Lutheran?

Have you ever been in church and asked, “I wonder why we do that?” or “Why does Pastor Hannah do that?” or “This is different than other churches.” Whether new to Minneola or been here all your life, it is always good to remind ourselves of why we do what we do and even, why we call ourselves Lutheran. So, for at least the next two months, that is exactly what we are going to do. 

It is easy to forget the foundations of our traditions and the history that links us together. As a Christ-centered faith community that isn’t necessarily bad as we try to welcome new people, experiences and faith journeys, but there is also a particularity in the Lutheran expression of the Christian faith that has deep roots connecting us more deeply to each other and God. 

Throughout October we are going to explore the Lutheran doctrine of “priesthood of all believers.” Which can be summed up in these words from Martin Luther;

“Every true Christian really ought to know that in the New Testament there is no outward, visible priest…We have only one single priest, Christ, who has sacrificed himself for us and all of us with him…Hebrew 10:14 says: ‘For by a single offering he has finished and perfected for all time those who are sanctified.’ This is a spiritual priesthood, held in common by all Christians, through which we are all priests with Christ. That is, we are children of Christ, the high priest; we need no priest or mediator other than Christ.”  

The Misuse of the Mass, Luther Works 36:138

Bottom line, a LOT of what we do and don’t do is because of our deep conviction that we all stand before God and Christ as equals regardless of our vocations be they secular or spiritual. So throughout October we are going to hear this doctrine through a myriad of scripture and Luther’s writings as we discover, remember and get curious together about why are we Lutheran? 

See you in worship!

Pr. Hannah


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