Settling Into These Holy Days
The holy days of winter are upon us and as a community and as individuals we have the opportunity to settle in and find joy, comfort, rest and connection with God, ourselves, our families and each other.
Along with this month’s newsletter some of you will be receiving an Advent Calendar, others an Advent Study, some both and others will receive neither. We weren’t able to procure enough for all the households who receive our newsletter, but you are not left out. You can access on-line versions right here:
ELCA World Hunger Advent Calendar Download
ELCA World Hunger Advent Study - God With Us
As we move through these four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve, I pray these resources will connect us to God and one another in new and powerful ways. This season is opening up an opportunity to live into these holy days in new and, I think, exciting ways. I hope you choose to join me and my family for our Cross+Gen Devotional time on Wednesday evenings (details on pg. 3) or find the time to shop and give to our Christmas families. There are so many ways to give and connect during these holy days. God is with us and we are in this together.
- Pr. Hannah