As we enter July 2021, I find myself looking towards a time to Sabbath. The Pastoral Board and Council have generously approved a three week (two Sunday) time away for me which includes family vacation, some downtime at home and then ending with my annual silent retreat. This time, graciously given, comes as I find myself worn down, uncertain, utterly emptied and in desperate need of time with God. I know. I am not alone. I stand at this particular apex of exhaustion and ambiguity with all of you, my family and honestly with most of the world as we continue our journey out of this global pandemic.
Since March of 2020, we have been forced to make decisions we are wholly unqualified to make and to make them over and over and over again while the ground beneath our feet never ceases shifting. The balancing act of this time has worn us all down and we are seeing the impact of that prolonged uncertainty and decision fatigue throughout our world. Some of us are feeling it within ourselves and experiencing it in our own less than open and kind behavior. We see it in the many altercations, small and large, occurring when we enter into public places and some of us are even witnessing it in the behavior of our kiddos, as they relearn how to regulate their behavior and emotions.
In order to heal from these past months and find new life we all need to find ways to open ourselves to God’s gift of Sabbath. Jesus made it clear in Mark’s gospel that, ““The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath.” Give yourself the grace to take any opportunity to take intentional, planned and particular time away from the day to day minutia of life, family and vocation so you can renew your connection to God, your family and your chosen vocation.
It’s not every year that I feel such a clear inner drive to Sabbath, but this year I am experiencing a desperation to set down the important work of mothering, pastoring and being in the world and this year more than any other I am experiencing this opportunity to Sabbath as an utter gift. As I prepare to enter into Sabbath time this July I understand the deep soul healing gift God gave to all of us in the Sabbath day and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be walking alongside a faith family and community who is willing to care for my health and the health of this community in such a profound and biblical way.
This is a privilege and a blessing I am being afforded because of God’s grace and your generosity. Neither of those do I take for granted. May the gift of Sabbath find you in the month to come.
- Pr. Hannah