Jesse’s Tree Revealed
“A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Isaiah 11:1
Advent is upon us and as always, our community will have the opportunity to reflect, dwell and prepare for the Christmas season as we wait for the birth of Christ together. This year we turn to Isaiah and the description we hear there of the coming savior (bonus: go read all of Isaiah 11). There we hear of one who will come from the root of Jesse, to bring wisdom, counsel, righteousness and lead the people into a new way of life together that resembles a lion laying down with a lamb. This is an ancient image, but one often forgotten in the silver and gold, green and red, bells, holly and evergreen of our winter holidays. This year’s Jesse Tree Advent Devotional invites us to pause twice a week, Sunday and Wednesday, as an individual, couple or family and remember wider, deeper and more imaginative images of Christ in this world, such as that of a shoot (fragile new life) coming from a stump (death itself).
The Jesse Tree Advent Devotional Packets include:
Set Up Directions
Sunday & Wednesday devotionals
Our annual ELCA World Hunger Advent Calendar
An invitation for our Christmas Eve services
This invitation is meant to be passed along to a friend, neighbor, relative or even stranger. Yours will be coming in the mail later in mid-December, but we long for everyone to have the opportunity to invite a friend, colleague, neighbor or stranger to Minneola this Christmas Eve. Packets are available at church or contact Amanda at to receive much of this electronically.
As a member in the body of Christ, Advent will always be one of my favorite seasons because in the midst of the chaos, busyness and shame of the modern holiday season, it calls me, calls us to Christ, to the calm, the dark, the silent and the fragile hope that is, waiting for new life to begin.
Happy Advent Minneola,
Pr. Hannah