An Intentional Advent (again)
Here’s a flashback to December 2018…
Every year as Thanksgiving ends and Advent begins, I have the best of intentions. I promise myself, this year will be different and I recently ran across a Facebook post that beautifully articulated my annual Advent resolution. It goes something like this…
My Christmas Advent To-Do List:
be buy presents
wrap gifts someone in a hug
send gifts peace
donate shop for food
see be the lights
Truth: usually by the second week in December I have blown my budget to smithereens, can’t bear to go to one more get-together and feel utterly overwhelmed longing for January 2nd. And yet, the next year as Thanksgiving ends and Advent begins, I try again, and I’ve decided that’s not a bad thing. We are inundated with messages about the excess of Christmas and I for one am going to keep trying, every year, to combat those consumerist, overindulgent and surface level messages because I know the good news of Christmas that “unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given!”
And guess what Minneola, I once again find myself hoping to enter Advent with a heart full of Christ’s mystery and promise and not let the season get away from me. After four years I know for certain, I won’t get it right this year, because there is no getting it right, there is simply living into each day as a child of God, a disciple of Christ, a member of Christ’s body. To that end, I will wake each morning with thanksgiving on my lips, live with joy in my heart, finding God’s presence throughout each day and lay my head on my pillow with an expectant spirit trusting I will wake once again.
If you are interested in joining me with some faithful intention this Advent, we are offering that opportunity through our Household Advent in Bags. They were available starting on Sunday November 20th, but if you haven’t picked one up yet, it isn’t too late. It is always the right time to dive a bit deeper into your faith practices as individuals, families and communities.
May your Advent be filled with joy and expectation!
Pr. Hannah